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How to Record Calls on iPhone: A Step-by-Step Guide

Record calls on iPhone

For various purposes, such as maintaining important conversations, interviews or for personal reference, recording phone calls on your iPhone can be a valuable tool. In view of the legal constraints in certain regions, however, Apple does not yet offer a built-in call recording feature. However, even though you continue to be able to record calls on your iPhone via a variety of different apps and techniques, it is not always possible to do so in line with the Local Law.

Method 1: Using a Call Recording App

Research and Choose a Reliable Call Recording App

Head to the App Store and search for call recording apps that are compatible with your iPhone model and iOS version. Read reviews and check ratings to ensure you select a trustworthy app.

Install and Set Up the App

Download and install the chosen app on your iPhone. Follow the app’s setup instructions and grant necessary permissions, such as access to your microphone and call history.

Start Recording Calls

Once the app is set up, it will automatically record your incoming and outgoing calls. During a call, look for a record button or an option to start recording.

Review and Save Recordings

After each call, access the app to review and save the recorded file securely. Some apps may offer cloud storage for convenient access to your recordings.

Method 2: Using Google Voice

Set Up Google Voice Account

If you don’t have a Google Voice account, sign up for one. Link your iPhone number to Google Voice.

Enable Call Recording in Google Voice

In the Google Voice app settings, go to “Calls” and turn on the call recording option.

Recording a Call

To record a call, answer through the Google Voice app or initiate the call from the app’s dialer. During the call, press “4” on your iPhone’s keypad, and the call recording will begin. Inform the other party about recording if required by law.

Access and Manage Recordings

Access your recorded calls in the “Voicemail” tab of the Google Voice app. You can listen, download, or share the recordings as needed.

Method 3: Using External Voice Recorders

Purchase a Compatible External Voice Recorder

Invest in a good-quality external voice recorder with a 3.5mm audio jack that can be connected to your iPhone.

Connect the Recorder to Your iPhone

Plug the voice recorder into the iPhone’s audio jack. Some newer iPhone models may require a lightning to 3.5mm adapter.

Record Calls Manually

When making or receiving a call, activate the external voice recorder to start capturing the conversation.

Save and Share Recordings

Once the call is complete, transfer the recorded file from the voice recorder to your iPhone or computer. Share, save, or back up the recording as needed.

Important Legal Considerations

Remember that call recording laws vary by region, and some places require consent from all parties involved before recording a call. Be aware of the laws in your area and always seek permission if required. Failure to comply with call recording laws may result in legal consequences.


Recording calls on your iPhone can be a powerful and useful feature when used responsibly and legally. Follow the methods outlined in this guide to record your calls safely and conveniently. Always prioritize privacy and legality while recording calls, and use the recordings responsibly for personal and professional purposes. Happy call recording!

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